UPDATE: 12/13/04 0900 Pacific:XinhuaNews Agency reports that witnesses saw a strange, shiningobject cross the sky at 11:36 PM Saturday night, followed bytremendous booms. Over 700 witnesses have reported seeingthe phenomenon. Police are searching for debris in the areawhere it fell. The earth trembled across a 70 square milearea around the western Chinese city of Lanzhou, suggestingan impact with the ground. But so far, nothing has beenfound.

Shortly before midnight on Saturday night, two red trails oflight passed over Lanzhou in western China. Suddenly, asuburban area of the city was lit up as bright as day and atremendous explosion shook the area, and people felt as ifan earthquake had struck.
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Geologists are recording continuous tremors deep under theSan Andreas Fault, according to an article published in thisweek’s edition of Science Magazine.

A cluster of these tremors was observed before a significantquake last September, raising the possibility that they maybe precursors of larger events, and therefore a possiblepredictive tool for future earthquakes. During September,clusters of these deep tremors were measured before aSeptember 28 earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scaletook place in the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas fault.

The tremors are taking place at a depth of 12 to 15 milesbeneath the surface of the earth. Normal earthquakes rarelystart deeper than 9 miles. The quakes are not noticeable onthe surface.
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A lone whale that makes sounds unlike any known species has marine biologists baffled. The whale has been wandering the Pacific for 12 years, but scientists have been unaware of it because its voice was only being picked up by classified US Navy equipment.

Using declassified data, marine biologists have determined that the whale’s voice, pitched at 52 hertz, does not match any known species. Whales generally call between 15 and 20 hertz. While some species use higher frequencies, none are near 52 hertz.

The calls have gotten deeper over the years, suggesting that the whale has matured. Marine biologists doubt that the whale represents a new species. No call like it has been heard anywhere in the world.
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