Unknowncountry.com has run two stories about an unusual UFOsituation in the distant Himalayas, and our subscribers haveenjoyed an interview with Skywatch International’s JimHickman in which he states that contacts of his in India aretelling him that there is definitely something strangehappening in the region.

Now India Daily has published additional reports of moreactivity in the area. Specifically, the familiar flyingtriangles that have been reported in the US since the earlyseventies are now being reported from an area of India andChina where the two countries have most of their nuclearmissiles concentrated.
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The question of whether or not our world is real has beendebated since the time of the ancient Greeks. Recently,films like the Matrix have suggested that ‘reality’ could bean entirely artificial construction.

Now two scientists are saying that it might just be true.Physicist Martin Rees and mathematician John Barrowspeculate that the world that we know might be the creationof a gigantic computer located, perhaps, outside of theuniverse.
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Canadian inventor Vincent Tao has developed a method bywhich anybody with a web browser can become a high tech spy.

The engineer at York University in Toronto says that hismapping and surveillance tool can produce images so sharpthat the makes of cars can be discerned, as can the clothingpeople are wearing, although not the details of their faces.

SAME (see anywhere, map anywhere) combines satellite imagesof the earth with real-time imagery from traffice andweather cameras. The resolution is an astounding two feet,according to the inventor.

He claims that it will be possible to zoom from a globalscale to a street level image, updated in real time and inhigh resolution.
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In Whitley Strieber’s book the Key, theMaster of the Keystates, “You can save yourselves by a number of means…Gaincontrol over your moon, which contains an isotope of heliumthat will become extremely valuable to you if you can devisebetter uses of energy. Otherwise, this will continue to bemined by others.”

Now scientists are saying that Helium 3, rare on earth butabundant on the moon, could be the most valuable source ofnew energy in the solar system. When Helium 3 combines withdeuterium via fusion, a tremendous amount of energy is produced.

The moon contains enough Helium 3 to provide earth with apollution-free energy source for hundreds of years to come.However, the reactor technology needed to utilize it maytake years to develop.
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