To the astonishment of the world intelligence community,Israel failed to intercept a Hizbollah drone that flew overthe northern Israeli town of Nahariya on November 8.

The reason was that a Patriot Missile battery that couldhave shot the drone down had been removed from the westernGalilee area had been removed on that day. Hezbollah leaderHassan Nasrallah showed images taken by the drone on Arab TV.

The question is, who ordered the removal of the PatriotMissile battery and why, and how did Hezbolla get theinformation that the battery was going to be moved?

Serious implications about the condition of Israelisecurity, and whether or not it has been penetrated bypersons friendly to Hezbollah, are raised by this event.
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A gigantic cloud 26,000 feet high turned day into night overLiaoning Province in northeastern China on November 12. Thecloud, which appeared around noon, kept parts of theprovince in total darkness for up to half an hour.

The cloud was accompanied by fierce lightning, but no wind,hail or rain was reported. The phenomenon emerged when twoweather fronts converged, but it was highly unusual becauseit reduced visibility to near zero in the absence ofartificial lighting.

Subsequently, temperatures in the area have plummeted.
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The US Agriculture Department has announced that a secondpossible case of mad cow disease has appeared in the UnitedStates. Officials would not say where the possible case wasdiscovered, but earlier information suggested that such acase might be taking place in or near Ulster County, NY.

However, until an official determination is made about thiscase, the location of the animal will not be divulged. USDAhas said that the animal has been tested twice, and bothtimes has returned a positive result. According to USDA, thequick test can cause false positives.
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We almost went the way of the dinosaur. Humans came close to extinction 70,000 years ago, when genetic research shows that there were only about 2,000 of us alive. Just one major disease or environmental disaster (like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs), and we wouldn’t be here today. Unlike chimps, who are our closest relatives, all human DNA is almost identical. We split off the family tree 5 or 6 million years ago, which is plenty of time for lots of genetic differences to turn up. The fact that we’re all so alike means that in the recent past, there weren’t many of us around. Everyone on Earth today came from that tiny, struggling population.

But once we got on our feet again, we traveled extensively.
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