Whitley Strieber has written another beautiful journal entryabout the ordeal he is sharing with his beloved wife Anne.This one speaks of the great triumph that is unfolding intheir lives–Anne is coming back, she’s waking up. AsWhitley puts it, “I’ve got my girl back!”

To read it, click here.

Did you know that Anne Strieber is also a novelist? Read herGREAT first novel, An Invisible Woman.Clickhere.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Mt. Rainier is experiencing an earthquake swarm that hasincluded a 3.2 earthquake a mile beneath the surface, thatis the largest earthquake ever recorded under the mountain.

Volcanologists do not believe that the current earthquakeswarm is being caused by the movement of magma beneath thevolcano, but nevertheless the earthquakes are unusualenough to have caused scientific concern.

Scientists are watching for earthquake swarms close to thevolcano’s surface and the seismic signature of fluid movingthrough rocks. Such clues might signal an eruption.

Mt. Rainier is considered the most dangerous of the Cascadevolcanoes, because it is so close to the large metropolitanareas of Seattle and Portland.
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Yesterday we reported on a developing antarcticcatastrophe–rapid warming of the area that was setting thestage for mass extinction.

Now it appears that the arctic is melting so fast thatcoastal areas of the United States are liable to becompletely under water by the end of the century, and tosuffer serious and ongoing tidal damage long before then.

The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment that was released onNovember 8 paints a grim picture of the future of the north.It is now clear, for example, that Greenland’s ice sheet ismelting fast, and that its vast glaciers are going to slide,like those on the antarctic continent, into the ocean.
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Anne Strieber has left intensive care and is making a strongand full recovery from her recent intercranial bleed. Shehas licked all of her infections and is on an excellent roadto complete recovery.

Anne says thanks for all your prayers and healing. Shefirmly believes that you were a silent but powerful partnerwith her superb medical team, in helping her to get pastthis extremely serious illness.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more