A catastrophe threatens because of the rapid warming of theAntarctic. Melting ice and a rapid increase in temperaturesin the Southern Ocean have caused a horrendous drop in thenumbers of Antarctic Krill, which is the key food source atthe bottom of the Antarctic food chain.

In the past, every time the base of the oceanic food chainhas been destroyed, mass extinction has followed, on bothland and sea. This is because the complex biosphere of ourplanet is based in the oceans, and life cannot be sustainedanywhere on the planet if the oceans die.

In addition to the Antarctic disaster, similar catastrophesare taking place in Scotland, as Unknowncountry has reportedpreviously, and in growing ?dead zones? in both the Atlanticand Pacific oceans.
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Texas biologists have stated that the strange animalslocated in Lufkin and Elmendorf, Texas earlier this yearwere coyotes with mange. They did no DNA studies of theanimals, and made no effort, beyond looking at somephotographs, to determine why, if they are coyotes, thedisease they have has altered the configuration of their skulls.

In fact, the animals have a disease more profound thanmange, if they are coyotes, because their skeletons havebeen altered, most particularly the lower jaws, which appearto have incisors that are far larger than those in anycanid, or, in fact, any known mammal.
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The case against the cellphone continues to grow more and more serious. Swiss researchers in a sleep laboratory at the University of Zurich have found that exposure to digital mobile phone radiation while awake causes changes in brain function even hours later during sleep.

The Swiss researchers conclude that “the changes in brain function induced by pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields outlast the exposure period.” Dr. Michael Petrides goes on to state, “The currently available literature suggests that some aspects of cognitive function and some direct measures of brain physiology may be affected by exposure to electromagnetic fields of the type emitted by cellular phones.”

The full text of this study is available at Issue 15.)
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2004 is going to go down as one of the great years for UFOsightings worldwide, and now George Filer reports on yetanother UFO flap, this time in Illinois.

On the night of October 31, 2004, hundreds of peoplereported seeing three strange red lights traveling information over the South Chicago suburbs of Tinley Park,Orland Park, Oak Forest, Frankfort, Manhattan, and Mokena.The sighting lasted until after 11 PM when they disappeared.
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