As of November 10, Anne Strieber has licked her infectionand is again on the road to recovery. She is resting well,but bored with life in an Intensive Care Unit and hopeful,if her illness does not take any more difficult turns, to bereleased from ICU care in a few days.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

With the frightening rise in autism over the past ten yearshas come an increasing concern that thimerosal, amercury-based preservative used in vaccines, may be responsible.

Thus far, most medical studies have not revealed aconnection between thimerosal and autism, and the vaccineindustry continues to use the preservative in vaccines givento babies.

The proposed California bill would make it illegal to givevaccines to expectant mothers or babies under three monthsof age if they contain any more than trace amounts ofthimerosal. The state chapters of the American Academy ofPediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians hadopposed the bill because they feared that it might lead tovaccine shortages.
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For the past two years, has beenfollowing the ongoing story of ice blocks falling from thesky. Spanish scientists who first studied the phenomenonhave dubbed the ice blocks “megacyrometeors,” AstrobiologistJesus Martinez-Frias has said stated that he’s concernedthat large blocks of ice are forming where they shouldn’t.

Previously, megacyrometeors have generally fallen in winter,but one that fell in Seattle on November 4 is an earlyseason exception. It broke through the roof of a house andfragmented into a child’s bedroom. Nobody was injured in theincident, and the weight of the megacyrometeor could not beestimated because it fractured on impact. However, it wasprobably in excess of 25 pounds, because of the damage itdid to the house.
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Sociologists have long known that there are more religious women than men. Professor Rodney Stark thinks we should not ask why women are more religious, but why men are less interested in religion. “When you turn the question around it starts to get us somewhere and the evidence pretty strongly points to physiology, not socialization,” he says. He says some men are shortsighted and don’t think ahead, and so “going to prison or going to hell just doesn’t matter to these men.”
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