In the film “Simone,” Al Pacino created a computer-generated actress he passed off as real. Now this is no longer fiction: for his two sequels to “The Matrix,” director JoelSilver mixes real actors in the same scenes with computer-generated images and you can’t tell the difference. And now”Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” has been made withan entirely computer-generated background–no sets at all.

Larry and Andy Wachowski, with their partner Gaeta, say they can now make movies in which it’s impossible to tell real characters and scenes from fake ones.
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Anne is not as alert as she has been, but her doctors arehoping that, once her fever has broken, she will become morealert. She has had a temperature of between 99 and 102 forfifteen days, and this, plus the difficulty of deep sleep inthe ICU, has, they believe, made her consciousness declinetemporarily.

However, they are still evaluating her brain with thegreatest care to be certain that her sleepiness is not dueto a neurological issue. At this time, that does not appearto be the case.

Thank you so much for your outpouring of support and prayer.There is no question that it has helped, and it has givenAnne great joy.

To read Whitley’s thoughts about his marriage in this timeof suffering, clickhere.
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A large and moderately complex sunspot group, NOAA Region696, wasresponsible for a series of eruptions on the surface of theSun knownas solar flares, including a significant eruption on 7November 2004 at9:06 a.m. MST. A radiation storm, currently at the moderate(S2)level, began soon after the eruption was observed on theSun. Solarflare activity over the past few days has resulted in aseries ofEarth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that haveimpacted Earth’sgeomagnetic field with severe (G4) geomagnetic storming. Today’s largeeruption on the Sun may produce further periods of stronggeomagneticstorming on 9-10 November.
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Apollo 15, was the first of three advanced lunar missions.It was launched on July 26, 1971 and carried astronautsAlfred Worden, James Irwin and David Scott. It was also thefirst mission to include the Lunar Roving Vehicle, andinvolved exploration of a part of the Hadley-Apennine regionof the moon. The mission brought back 76kg of lunarmaterial, some of which has been used by scientists who haveproved that the moon is, in part, a massive chunk of theearth that was struck from our planet by a collision with agigantic space object billions of years ago.
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