State officials are currently investigating an unusualcluster of possible Mad Cow cases in upstate New York. Currently five separate cases of the fatal Creutzfeldt JakobDisease have been diagnosed in Ulster County and surroundingareas alone, a surprising number given that the diseasetypically effects only one in one million people.

Brent Tobey, a resident of Ulster County whose fathersuccumbed to the disease, explained that his father ate alot of beef and that he now believes there is a problem withbeef in the area.
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Indian scientist P. B. Desai suggested in a speech last weekthat it should be possible to remove genes from embyros thatcould be used to create harvestable organs for adults inneed of organ transplants.

The organs would be grown in “bodies,” that would mimic thematuring effect of a normal human body, but would lack abrain or head. These bodies would have the capacity to keeporgans functioning, but would have no thought processes.

Down the road, it is believed that stem cells removed fromadults will be used to create organs for the donor that willbe readily accepted by the donor body because they are, ineffect, from the same person.
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Persistent stories out of India indicate that somethingextraordinary is happening there involving UFOs. An Indianengineer working on antigravity propulsion has describedstudying advanced technology in “package” form–technologiesready made to be analyzed and duplicated. But where are theyfrom?
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Explorers returning to a remote village near the Bukkantingiregion of Sumatra have found additional evidence pointing tothe existence of a type of ape that is claimed to walkupright like a human. Villagers reportedly saw an animalknown as the ?orang pendek? feeding on soft fruit on a farmon the outskirts of the village.

Witnesses also reported seeing and hearing the animal inother regions of island as well, perhaps because theanimal?s habitat has lately been threatened by illegallogging operations.
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