Bird Flu is an extremely dangerous disease in human beings,with a 70% death rate. The entire world health community hasbeen watching for two years to see if the disease shouldmutate and become transmissible between people. Now theWorld Health Organization reports that seemingly healthyducks can carry the disease and humans can catch it fromthem. If Bird Flu becomes transmissible from person to person, itis believed by some scientists that it could pose the worstpandemic threat in history. Should it get out of control, abillion lives could be at risk.
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On Thursday October 28, 2004, an assembly including thefamilies of 9/11 victims, survivors, and advocates delivereda complaint to the office of New York Attorney General EliotSpitzer asking for a complete criminal investigation of the9/11 terrorist attack.

Dissatisfied with both the 9/11 Commission Report and the2002 Joint Intelligence Inquiry, the Complainants requestedthat Attorney General Spitzer take full advantage of hisoffice?s power by investigating the attacks in terms ofofficial misconduct, insider trading, obstruction ofjustice, and accessorial abetment of murder. The complaintalso requests assessment and recovery of any damages frompeople or companies complicit in the crimes.
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The first study ever to prove that using a cell phoneincreases the risk of cancer has concluded in Sweden. Thestudy is considered relatively small, though it is thelargest of its kind ever to prove the connection betweencell phones and cancer.
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A 24 year old quadriplegic man plays computer games andchecks his email just by thinking about it thanks to a smallsensor surgically implanted into the man?s motor cortex.The tiny chip monitors signals sent from up to 100 neuronsat a time.

Cyberkinetics, a Massachusetts company, developed theminuscule BrainGate chip as an alternative to more difficultmethods used by quadriplegics to control their environment,usually with tongue or eye movements. These options areincredibly difficult to master, as well as entirelydependent on quality of muscle function, which in some casesof paralysis can be unreliable.
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