Two scientists at UCLA are using brain scans to determinehow the minds of Republicans differ from those of Democrats.

Last month, Dr. Joshua Freedman and Dr. Marco Iocaboni usedfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to monitorbrain activity of 10 Democrats and 10 Republicans whileshowing the subjects images of President Bush, John Kerry,and Ralph Nader.
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Asia is having some of its most violent weather everrecorded, and the latest typhoon to strike Japan hasgenerated the highest waves ever recorded in that country,and killed eighty people. The rash of earthquakes that hasaccompanied the typhoons are believed to be due, at least inpart, to the face that the entire country is literallywaterlogged, and wetness is causing instability in manyfaults, some of them inactive for thousands of years.

Typhoon Nock-Ten
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Saturn?s moon Titan is electrifying the scientific communitybecause it appears to be ?geologically alive,? that is tosay, involved with complex chemical processes, weather andother changes that could be very much like the changes thattook place on earth as life was just beginning.

On October 26, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, a project ofNASA?s jet Propulsion Laboratory, traveled to within 1174kilometers (730 mi.) of Saturn?s moon Titan in order togather data from its panel of twelve instruments. Ten of thetwelve systems successfully returned data.
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INEXPLICATA: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology – Unidentified flying objects were seen in the sky around 8:30a.m. October 28th, causing great expectation among residentsof Orizaba and C

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