BBC – Located at the edge of the arctic circle, the small Alaskanvillage of Shishmaref is being literally swallowed by thesea as annually rising waters encroach upon it. AtShishmaref the tide moves an average of 10 feet (3m) closereach year, damaging homes the Eskimos have occupied forgenerations and making the area uninhabitable. Some homeshave already fallen into the sea. So far, all efforts tostem the rising tide have not worked.
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NYT – Betty Hill, whose well-known claim of alien abductionperhaps marked the beginning of popular culture’s awarenessof the phenomena, died of lung cancer at her home inPortsmouth, N.H. at age 85.

Betty and Barney Hill experienced what they believed was anabduction by alien beings on September 19th, 1961. During atrip in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the Hills sawan unusual light in the sky that seemed to get closer andcloser to them. Later, after the trip, they found theycould notaccount for approximately two hours during the drive throughthe mountains.
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Dione, one of the moons of Saturn, made a convincing appearance of a UFO last week. As Cassini took an image ofSaturn, the moon’s motion created the illusion that it was agigantic cylinder.

Dione is Dione, but there are an unusual number of UFOhotspots around the world at thistime. From the Himalayan foothills to Canada and Ohio, theUFO reports are pouring in.

With the widespread use of video cameras, it is nowcommonplace for unexplained objects to be videotaped. Goneare the days when government and scientists could explainUFOs away as swamp gas, flocks of geese or the planet Saturn.

The US is also experiencing heightened UFO activity. To readan update from just one area,click here.
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Bruce Schneier, internationally renowned cryptologist andsecurity expert, and author of AppliedCryptography, has criticized a Bush Administration planto embed special computer chips in all future passports. Amove, Schneier says, that could compromise the privacy andsecurity of American’s traveling abroad, or worse, indicatea sinister motive on behalf of a US Government agency.

Under the Bush initiative, future passports will include aspecial kind of embedded computer chip called an RFID (radiofrequency identification) chip. This chip will contain muchmore information than a traditional passport, and will allowcustoms and passport officials to read the contents of thepassport using an electronic reader.
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