2004 has been one of the most active typhoon seasons inhistory, and now Japan, which has been struck time and againthroughout the season, has been hit by its worst typhoon ina decade.

According to a Japanese Meteorological Agency official,Typhoon Tokage was unusual in its intensity and size. Therare typhoon had a radius of over 300 miles, which resultedin considerable widespread damage across almost all ofJapan. During the worst of the storm, thousands were forcedto evacuate their homes, heading to schools and publicshelters for safety. Windspeeds within the storm exceeded90 miles per hour (144 kph). At least 40,000 homes lost power.
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Unknowncountry.com has received word from the laboratorydoing DNA studies on the Elmendorf animal, the strangecreature killed near Elmendorf, Texas, last May, that theDNA is canine, but that it has been subjected to too muchstress to tell anything about a specific species.

At this time, we are seeking to get them additional DNA fromthe Lufkin creature.

The animal was known to be canine from the configuration ofits skull. The exact species remains a mystery.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

As of October 20 at 9:00PM, Anne is past the immediatecrisis, and continues to recover well. If all goes asexpected, she will be hospitalized for one or two months.However, there are many rivers yet to cross. Over the nextweek, she is at high risk for vasospasm, a narrowing of theblood vessels in the brain due to the trauma associated withthe blood that has leaked into it. In addition, there is aconstant risk of infection, and the possibility of anunpredictable problem, such as a heart problem, a stroke, orkidney problems.
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UFO investigators, journalists, authors, former militaryofficers and other experts will gather at the National UFOConference at the end of October to present their mostrecent findings into the question of unidentified flyingobjects.

Among the guests at this years conference is Air Force FirstLt. Robert Salas, a former missile launch officerresponsible for nuclear warheads stored at Malmstrom AFB. He describes an incident in 1967 in which a glowing,oval-shaped object hovered over the base and disabledapproximately 20 nuclear warheads housed in an undergroundbunker.
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