Laura Hatch, a 17-year-old girl who was missing for eightdays in Redmond, Washington, was found alive inside hercrashed Toyota by a psychic who had a vision telling herwhere to look for the girl. She was found badly hurt andseverely dehydrated, but she was alive and conscious in hercar, which was at the bottom of an embankment, 200 feet downfrom the road.
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Belching and farting sheep and cattle account for a fifth ofall global emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas that isworse than carbon dioxide (CO2). But a new vaccine can helpthe animals pass less gas.

A vaccine against the three microbes which produce methanein sheep stomachs reduced methane belches by 8% in a 13-hourtest. Eventually Australian scientists hope to produce avaccine which reduces an even greater percentage of methaneemissions.

Methane is not as common as CO2, but has 23 times moreability to trap heat from the sun. Methane is released intothe atmosphere from agriculture, landfills, natural wetlandsand mining, while CO2 comes mainly from burning oil, gas andcoal.
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Most of us won’t be able to get a flu shot this year, sincethe U.S. will be getting only about half as much vaccine asusual and that will be reserved for the sick and theelderly. But there are steps we can take to avoid gettingthe flu.

Researchers think that SARS did not spread to Japan becausethey are a nation of frequent hand washers. Surprisingly,most viruses are spread by touch, not by coughing orsneezing. You should also eat well and get plenty of sleepin order to keep your immune system in good condition.
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A mystery animal identical to the Elmendorf Beast has beenfound in Lufkin, Texas, approximately 300 miles northeast ofElmendorf, where the first animal was shot in May.Photographs of both animals make it clear that they arevirtually identical. Whitley will be talking about it withArt Bell on Coast to Coast AM, Saturday, Oct. 16 at 10 pmPacific.
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