A new study shows that people with attractive voices aremore sexually adventurous. When researchers asked 149 menand women to rate the attractiveness of recorded voices,they found the most appealing voices belonged to peoplewho’d had sex at an earlier age and had more sexual partners.

Researcher Gordon Gallup says, “?Ratings of voiceattractiveness are correlated with promiscuity in both menand women.” For unknown biological reasons, symmetricalpeople, who are considered more attractive, also have sexiervoices. Men with broad shoulders and narrow hips, which arerelated to a high testosterone level, tend to have sexier,more attractive voices. Women with appealing voices tend tohave narrow waists and broad hips.
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Spontaneous Human Combustion is thought to occur when aperson is found burned to death, but nothing much aroundthem has caught on fire. Often only the bed or chair theywere on shows signs of being burned, while the rest of thearea is intact. The theory that the human body canspontaneously combust is controversial, but a recent case inFlorida may be an example of it.
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Tree rings and ice cores may not accurately reveal howwidely the climate changed in the past, according toscientists who have studied weather data from the last 1,000years. This is important to know as scientists try to figureout if current bizarre weather, such as the recenthurricanes in Florida, is related to global warming.
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A museum curator has discovered that Alfred Packer, who wasconvicted of murder because he ate his five companions whenthey were lost in a Colorado winter 130 years ago, mayactually have been innocent.

Robert Weller writes that David Bailey, who works at theMuseum of Western Colorado, has been researching the casefor years and has come to the conclusion that Packer onlykilled to defend himself from a member of their party whohad slain his fellow prospectors and was eating them.
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