German scientists have found that mutations in the MC4R genehave a “major” impact on people’s body mass index. Peoplewho have the mutations are much heavier than those who donot.

The researchers examined the body weights and DNA of 181relatives of 25 extremely obese patients who carry the genemutation, and found that the people who had the geneticmutation were significantly heavier. They say this provesthat this mutation is linked to a “strong predisposition” toobesity. They say, “It is well known that body weight isinfluenced by many genetic and environmental factors.” Butthey think the mutations do not, by themselves, account forobesity, because some thin people also carry the geneticmutations.
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Environmentalists predict that global warming, which canlead to droughts and encroaching deserts, will lead to warsin the future. This is already happening in Africa.

Ed Stoddard writes that many African conflicts there can betraced back to increasingly parched and degraded land. SouthAfrican environmentalist Crispian Olver says, “From foodsecurity to health we see climate change as a very bigthreat right across Africa.”
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Scientists are still trying to figure outhow birds getaround. They also want to understand how birds from thesame species may be isolated from each other for months, butstill somehow know exactly when to return home to meet upwith their mates again in the spring. It was once thoughtthat bird pairs stayed together when they migrated, but nowbiologists think this isn’t the case.

Patricia Reaney writes that biologists are studyingIcelandic migratory birds called black-tailed godwits thatrarely see each other, spend winters in different countriesand don’t communicate for long periods but can stillcoordinate their journeys, from different countries athousand miles apart, so they arrive back at their Icelandbreeding grounds within a few days of each other.
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The Chinese want to claim the moon for its valuableHelium-3, although the U.S. has vowed to return and plantanother American flag there first. Now Denmark wants tostake a claim to the North Pole, so they can hunt for theoil that has become more accessible due to thinning icecaused by global warming.
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