Superbugs?bacteria that have become resistant to allantibiotics?are usually found in hospitals, where lots ofantibiotics are used and bugs eventually evolve that cannotbe killed by the drugs. This means you can be sicker comingout of the hospital than you were going in. Doctors andhealth authorities have always worried that these superbugswould escape from the hospital into the public realm?and nowit’s happening.

Megan Rauscher writes in thatantibiotic-resistant germs that cause skin infections andpneumonia in otherwise healthy children and adults are onthe loose. In Corpus Christi, Texas, infections in children”has now reached epidemic proportions,” according to Dr.Kevin Purcell.
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People in a Wisconsin town had two weeks of steady UFOsightings recently, some of them accompanied by what lookedlike fighter jets. A team of space scientists in India saw astrange-looking craft. And a small town in England has beendeclared a UFO hot spot by researcher Nick Pope.

Matt Conn writes in the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune thaton the night of September 23, Eric Dickmann, of Marshfield,Wisconsin, saw three lights in a triangle shape thatdisappeared, then reappeared ten minutes later. About eightpeople sitting around a bonfire saw the UFO. The same typeof craft was seen by his son a few days earlier, while hewas driving on a highway, and this UFO seemed to beaccompanied by a fighter jet.
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It’s known that many animals become restless and noisybefore earthquakes. But medical doctors have begun torealize that people can predict earthquakes as well.

After the Spitak (Armenia) earthquake in 1989, which killed25,000 people, a survey found that the number of births andmiscarriages was five times the normal rate. The number ofpatients suffering diseases such as high blood pressure,headaches, heart trouble and respiratory diseases increasedas well.
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Astronaut Gordon Cooper died on Monday, Oct. 4 at the age of77. Cooper was one of the few astronauts to speak openlyabout his belief in a UFO coverup. He said, “For many yearsI have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on allspecialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day,in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of formand composition unknown to us.”

In 1985, Cooper told the United Nations, “I believe thatthese extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visitingthis planet from other planets, which obviously are a littlemore technically advanced than we are here on Earth.
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