If you look at the top masthead on our homepage, you’ll seeour website artist Dana Augustine’s tribute to UFOresearcher John Mack, who died in a car accident last week.Click on the image for a larger view. To see all of Dana?swonderful work,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

There were giant dogs roaming North America 50 millionyears, but they got killed off by the changing climate. Theywere bigger than today’s wolves and had gigantic teeth thatcould crush bones. In fact, the diversity of all largemammals on Earth plummeted starting during the last Ice Age,which occurred around that time, and the extinctions arestill continuing today.
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There’s a moon mystery that’s been visible from Earth for500 years?and astronomers still haven’t figured it out.

Mark Pilkington writes in The Guardian that in 1540, beforethe first telescope was invented, stargazers in the Germancity of Worms saw a star-like object appear on the moon. In1650, the Polish astronomer Hevelius noted the appearance ofa “red hill” in the north-western moon area, and in April1787, astronomer Sir William Herschel saw so many red lightsin this same crater that he thought he there must be avolcano on the moon. NASA has also recorded hundreds oflight flashes, glows, mists, unusual shapes and shadows, allin the same area. They are known as Transient LunarPhenomena (TLP)?but nobody knows what they are.
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An unusually large bloom of toxic algae, which could poisonboth humans and shellfish, has been detected in the oceanoff the northwest coast of Washington state. OceanographerVera Trainer says,”The levels of toxin are the highest we’ve ever seen.”Shellfish tainted by the same type of poisonous algae offPrince Edward Island in Canada killed 3 people in 1987.

The algae, called pseudo-nitzschia, produce domoic acid,also known as Amnesic Shellfish Poison, which can damage theareas of the brain used for memory and learning, causingpermanent short-term memory loss. It’s lethal in higherdoses. Once it builds up in shellfish, they can remaindangerous for a year.
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