Geminiwrites, in one of our newCommunionLetters: I had an encounter in 1973 while lying in bedreading a Batman comic. My reading lamp suddenly went out,and when I tried to get up to check it, I wound up in atrance, and couldn’t move any part of my body except my eyes.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

US Geological Survey volcanologists raised the alert levelat Mt. St. Helen’s to the highest possible and warned that amajor eruption appeared to be “imminent.”

The tremor this morning lasted 25 minutes, and is anindication that the volcano is moving toward an additionaleruption. There was a release of steam on Saturday thatattracted the largest crowd ever to the volcano’s visitorcenter.

While scientists anticipate a major eruption, they expectthat it will be smaller than the May 18, 1980 explosion thatkilled 57 people and ejected millions of tons of ash intothe atmosphere, which rained down across the PacificNorthwest for weeks.
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Strange beams of light are being observed in the midwest andCanada. Pictured here is an image of one taken by Bill Davidof Peace River, Alberta, Canada, on June 6. Some observershave seen a possible faint outline of a figure in the beam.To enable you to examine this, we are providing ahigh-resolution image, accessible by clicking the picture tothe left. This image will download slowly on dialup connections.

The photograph is now joined by numerous observations ofwhat appears to be a similar phenomenon in the midwesternUS. Witnesses from the area further state that there hasbeen extensive military activity in connection with thephenomenon.
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A crop circle that has appeared in a field in Canada has astrange effect on people who stand at the center of it. Anelderly lady “?walked into the circle and said her feet felthot,” says researcher Beata Van Berkom. “Some of the mapdowsers I’ve been talking to say it is on a negative energyline because of that, which would explain the ill feelings.”

In the StarPhoenix, Darren Bernhardt quotes Van Berkom assaying, “This one felt like it had been whipped into shaperather than having the gentle flow you usually get?It waselliptical and beautiful. If people are going to make itwith a board and rope, it’s going to be a perfectcircle?This was 150 feet into the field, too, and there wereno tracks.”
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