Unknowncountry.com does not publish political material, butwe are publishing this, John Mack’s last statement, out ofour great respect for a lost leader of the community ofclose encounter witnesses. Thiseditorialwas written for the Boston Globe, which has not yetpublished it.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

As a series of earthquakes continued around Mt. St. Helens,central California was struck by a 6.0 quake along the SanAndreas Fault, centered near Paso Robles. In recent days,the West Coast has experienced an exceptional amount ofearthquake activity, with a cluster of quakes near MammothLake, the continuing disturbance around Mt. St. Helens, andnow this new quake. There is no evidence that the quakes arerelated. It is believed by experts that the Mt. St.Helens quakes may indicate magma movement within thevolcano, although increased carbon dioxide emissions havenot been observed at this time.
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According to some conspiracy theorists, the President wassupposed to make an announcement on Tuesday night that theworld was about to end. And the government supposedly shutdown awebsite that dared to break this news. Toutatis was going tobe captured by gravity and impact the Earth, ending all life. But as this is being written, Toutatis is passing byus without incident, the President has no plans to make asurprise announcement, and as for all the websites that werewhipping up Toutatis terror–well, the fun’s over, at leastfor a couple of hundred years.

No asteroid this large will come this close to the Earth forat least another hundred years, according to astronomers.Toutatis is, in fact, the biggest asteroid to come thisclose since astronomers have been watching them. read more

Children who attend day care or nursery school for at leastone year before going to kindergarten are 36% less likely todevelop a cancer known as Hodgkin’s lymphoma as youngadults. This may be because they develop stronger immunesystems from being exposed to other children early in life.Children from wealthy families are more likely to get thedisease because they have less interaction with otherchildren.
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