After the Chinese began to enforce a one-child-only policy,in an attempt to stem overpopulation, Chinese parents begancommitting “gendercide” by abandoning or aborting theirdaughters. Family planner Gu Baochang calls it “the largest,the highest, and the longest” gender imbalance in the world.This is a time bomb that is getting ready to explode, asmillions of young Chinese men face a future without thepossibility of marriage.
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The European Space Agency wants to build a Noah’s Ark on theMoon, in case the Earth is destroyed by an asteroid ornuclear holocaust. It could also save species destroyed byglobal warming.

In, Pallab Ghosh quotes the ESA?s Dr. BernardFoing as saying, “If there were a catastrophic collision onEarth or a nuclear war you could place some samples ofEarth’s biosphere, including humans, [on the Moon]. Youcould repopulate the Earth afterwards like a Noah’s Ark.” Hewants to collect DNA samples of every single species ofplant and animal.
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On Saturday, September 18, Whitley Srieber will appear onCoast to Coast AM with Art Bell. He’ll be talking abouthurricanes, the Mystery Signal and more! Tune into yourlocal Clear Channel station at 10 pm Pacific.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

From the Middle Ages to the 19th century, bloodletting?bycutting or using leeches?was one of the major “cures” usedby doctors. It was abandoned in the mid-20th century afterantibiotics were invented. It seems primitive and dangerousto us today, but scientists have found that there was areason behind it.

Microbiologist Eric P. Skaar has discovered that the staphgerm, a leading cause of infections, fuels itself with iron.Removing red blood cells from the body removes the iron thisbacteria feeds on.

Iron specialist Tracy Rouault says, “How could a procedurepopular for 2,500 years have really been completely worthless?”
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