Vote in our newpoll. Tell uswhether “It’s about normal where I am,” “It’s been very strangelately” or “I think all this global warming stuff is a bunchof hype.” Keep reading to learn the results of last week’spoll.

Last week we asked you, “Do you believe that John Kerrydeserves his Vietnam medals?” We had to adjust the poll toremove repeat votes, and we even wrote to one person whovoted over a thousand times. Please remember: distorting ourpoll does not change anyone’s heart or mind. The results:68% of you said, “Yes, he deserves them” and 32% said, “No,he?s a liar.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

After reading manyCommunionLetters, we’ve discovered that the visitor experience runsin families.Xavierwrites about the time he discovered that his father once hadstrange experiences too.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

While climate change kills off many species, scientists havefound evidence that it brings genetic changes to others?andthose are the ones that stay healthiest. Can humans use thisinformation to make it through the upcoming climate changes?

Biologist Elizabeth A. Hadly studied two kinds of rodentsfound in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming: voles andgophers. Both species have survived major climate change.She collected DNA from living animals and compared it withDNA from the teeth of fossilized specimens found in LamarCave. Hadly says, “It contains hundreds of thousands ofbones and represents a continuous fossil record dating back3,000 years. This timescale allows us to really investigatemicroevolution in a natural environment…”
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After 30 years in space, America’s oldest spacecraft,Pioneer 10 and 11, are being held back from visiting distantstars by a mysterious force.

Robin McKie writes in The Observer that some scientiststhink this may be the first real evidence of the “darkmatter” that some scientist theorize permeates the universe. A simpler explanation could be that gas from fuel tanks maybe leaking, slowing the craft down. Astronomer MartinBarstow says, “Unless there is really good evidence to thecontrary, we should stick to simple ideas like these and notgo around blaming strange new types of particle or flaws ingeneral relativity.”
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