Don’t take birth control for granted?there are doctors andpharmacists who want to eliminate birth control pills.

Jill McGivering writes in that in the U.S., anincreasing number of doctors and pharmacists are refusing togive women the Pill, saying it’s actually a type ofabortion. While mainstream medicine doesn’t define it thatway, some pro-life professionals do.

Dr. Cynthia Jones-Nosacek, who is a family doctor inMilwaukee, is one of these. She says, “The contraceptivepill doesn’t always prevent ovulation. As often as 30% ofthe time, ovulation may occur and if that happens,fertilization may occur. Then there are other mechanismsthat can prevent that being from surviving. It’s called achemical abortion.”
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We’ve recently posted stories about birds and butterfliesmissing from their usual haunts and sometimes turning up instrange places. This could be due to global warming or tothe pole shift now in progress, which will affect migratoryanimals. We’ve also posted a story about leaves changingmuch earlier than usual, which predicts an especially coldwinter ahead. Global warming doesn?t necessarily make thingswarmer?it makes some places colder. And most of all, itcreates weather extremes, as people in the path of therecent barrage of Florida hurricanes have discovered. Weasked for your input so we could find out if these changesin nature are happening where you live as well. To readyour replies,clickhere.
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Michelangelo’s famous statue of David, which is supposed torepresent male physical perfection, actually reveals he’s inpoor health.

Pilates expert Alan Herdman says, “Michelangelo may havebeen an artistic genius but he clearly knew far less than wedo today about posture and the workings of the human body.If you look at him, David is sitting into one hip. He willhave a weakness in one hip and suffer from lower backweakness and pain. His pelvis is all wrong. It is thrustforward and pushing into one hip. The right side isn’tstraight. In the privacy of your own bathroom, you trystanding in that position and see how it feels: not good.”
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A battleship that sank into the Thames river near Londonduring World War II contains unexploded bombs that couldblow up at any time.

Mick Hamer writes in New Scientist that the RichardMontgomery, a U.S. cargo ship, has been underwater in thequiet, suburban neighborhood of Kent for 60 years, but it’sonly recently been discovered that the fuses on the bombsare unstable and even a small shock could ignite them at anytime. If they explode, it will be one of the biggestnon-nuclear blasts ever, sending a column of watercontaining mud, metal and munitions almost two miles intothe air.

Since the Brits haven’t done anything about it yet, theymust betrustingtheir vibes.

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