If you’re following the summer of The Path, you won’t wantto miss Whitley’s finalPathtalk, which just been posted on our website. Anyone canlisten by clicking “Dreamland” on our masthead and scrollingdown to the bottom to “Path V.” In case you need to catchup, subscribers can still hear the first four Path talks. Soget yourtarotcards ready and listen!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Pandas are becoming endangered even in zoos, because it’shard to get them interested in sex. A Chinese zoo showedfemale panda Hua Meipanda porn inorder to get her interested in mating–and it worked. Shejust gave birth to twins.

Li Wei, of the Wolong Panda Conservation Center, says, "Weare all very excited. The cubs are in good condition."
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?Or at least where you’ve been. Researchers have now learnedthat they can track criminals and terrorists by analyzing asingle hair.

Anna Gosline writes in New Scientist that researchersmeasure the ratios of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in thehair. These isotopes, absorbed into the body from water, aredifferent in different areas. Researcher Stuart Black says,”Hair is particularly good because it grows about [half aninch] a month, so it actually grows a record of not onlywhere you have been but what you have been eating and drinking.”
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We’ve written recently about animals that are missing orturning up in the wrong places due to global warming and thepole shift. A recent “bug splat” test in the U.K. found manyfewer insects that expected. And all over the world,scientists are finding hyperactive fish, stupid frogs,fearless mice and seagulls that fall over?all due topollution.
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