People living in the eastern part of the U.S. and Canada sawwho went outside at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, August 31, saw astrange, bright, silvery cloud of light that suddenlyappeared. It lasted for about half an hour, then graduallyfaded. It may have accounted for UFO reports from that area,but it was actually a satellite launch vehicle dumping itsfuel.

Joe Rao writes in that New York amateur astronomerJohn Bortle first reported the sighting. In another part ofNew York, Bill Bogardus and his wife saw the cloud anddescribe it as “?about the size of the moon?It was aroundish, yet not all that round, object drifting towardsour location very slowly, slower that most satellitesbecause it took at least twenty minutes to move from wherewe first saw it…”
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Mysterious booms have been reported before inCalifornia,and now a serious of loud booming noises is shaking housesin Indiana.

In Fort Wayne, Justin Brugger says, “It’s a quick, solid,boom-type noise. One lady described it as a tremor.” Itfirst started happening about a month ago. He says, “Ithought it might be construction?but that doesn’t appear tobe it.”

Brugger plans to plot boom locations on a map from calls hereceives from residents who?ve heard them, in order to findout where they’re coming from. So far, they seem to beoccurring at random times on a long, narrow stretch of land.

Denise Porter-Ross of the mayor’s office says, “It’s just alittle disturbing. You’re hearing these noises, but you goout to investigate and nothing’s there.”read more

Ivan is on its way towards Florida, but this probably won’tbe the last major storm to hit the U.S. this year. NASAmeteorologist Marshall Shepherd says, “Over the past fewyears, we’ve seen an increasing trend toward greateractivity in the Atlantic Basin and increased strength instorms. [That] has been leading us to believe that we aregoing to start seeing more intense hurricanes. That may bebearing itself out right now.”
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On Saturday, September 11, Dreamland presents an interview with the seller AND the buyer of the Haunted Wine Box, which was sold last Febuary in one of the most-watched auctions in Ebay history. PLUS, for our subscribers, find out what happened to Whitley Strieber when he just did the interview. To learn more about this week’s Dreamland, click here.

This is the Haunted Wine Box listing, exactly as it appeared on Ebay in Feburary of 2004, written by Kevin Mannis:

All of the events that I am about to set forth in this listing are accurate and may be verified by the winning bidder with the copies of hospital records and sworn affidavits that I am including as part of the sale of the cabinet.
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