Governor Jeb Bush of Florida declared a state of emergencyand ordered the evacuation of half a million people asHurricane Frances gathered strength and aimed at the state’ssoutheast coast. Like Charley, Frances has suddenly begun togain strength. It is a Category 4 hurricane at present, andfears are that it will become a Category 5 storm if it doesnot make significant landfall before it reaches Florida. Hurricane Charley was the second most damaging hurricane inUS history, causing upwards of fifteen billion dollars worthof damage on Florida’s west coast. Meanwhile, Asia has experienced a series of 16 typhoons andsupertyphoons this season, marking this as one of the mostactive typhoon seasons on record. Typhoon more

Global warming is changing the weather, but to say it’sgetting warmer (or colder) is too simple. Birds and insectsthat are sensitive to subtle alterations in the climatereveal these changes by moving to new areas. Now botanistsare noticing another change: leaves are turning colorearlier than usual.

This is being noticed in southern Wisconsin, weeks beforethe arrival of fall. Botanist Michael Adams says, “There’sall kinds of speculation about why. The only thing for sureis that we’re getting an earlier color change.”
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A report appeared Thursday in the prestigious weeklymagazine of science, the New Scientist, suggesting that asignal acquired by the SETI project in February might beworth examining for possible intelligent origin. This reportis now being described by some SETI scientists as “internet hype.”
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In his new journal,Whitley writes: “It’s such an eerie time right now. Theweather is changing radically before our eyes, with sixteentyphoons in the Pacific this year and powerful hurricanesstill forming, with extraordinary environmental changes thatsuggest that the planet’s natural system is in the processof a profound breakdown, and far faster than more