A killer strain of flu, like the kind that wiped outmillions of people in 1918, hasn’t struck again yet, butscientists are already planning for it. Health experts saywe may have to close schools, restrict travel and rationmedicine if a powerful new flu strain breaks out worldwide.

Lauran Neergaard writes that it will take months to create avaccine that works against this kind of superflu, soquarantine will be the weapon that is used before anythingelse. Flu specialists say it’s only a matter of time beforeanother superflu strain shows up. Dr. Julie Gerberding, headof the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says,”We’re all holding our breath.”
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Methane has been discovered on Mars, meaning life must bethere as well.Linda Howe wasone of the first journalists to report this news, on ourJune 12 Dreamland show. Now it’s official: the Mars Express,the European Space Agency probe which is orbiting theplanet, has sensed the presence of methane. The amount isvery small (about 10 parts in a thousand million) but it’senough to reveal the presence of microbes there.
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Those of you who are following the summer of ThePath will be glad to know that Whitley’s new Path talk willbe posted on our website tomorrow for subscribers.Non-subscribers can listen starting Tuesday byclicking “Dreamland” on our masthead and scrolling down tothe bottom. In case you need to catch up, subscribers canstill hear the first three Path talks. So grab yourtarotcards and listen!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

There’s a genuine cryptozoological mystery deep in the heartof Texas. A rancher in Elmendorf, Texas, shot a strangeanimal that ate 35 of his chickens in a single day.Scientists who have examined the creature’s body have notbeen able to identify it. Unknowncountry.com is having DNAtesting done on the body. For more information and pictures,read the full story.

The Elmendorf beast is a strange, hairless dog-lookingcreature with a blue-gray color and strangely-shaped teeth.Macanally says, “First thing that came to my mind, is surelyeverybody’s gonna think this is a Chupacabra. But it’s soodd because it has no hair.” One woman who saw a photo of itsays it’s exactly how her grandmother described theChupacabras she saw.
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