A Russian newspaper reports that terrorists will paralyzethe internet on August 26th, according to Russian antivirusexperts.

Aleksandr Gostev says he got the information from certainwebsites, but he wouldn’t say which ones. He says they’ll betargeting the U.S. and Western Europe. Yevgeny Kasperskysays similar attacks earlier paralyzed the internet in SouthKorea, and believes it’s “impossible” to stop them, butMikhail Bychinsky, of Dr.Web antivirus labs, says, “I do notbelieve in mass internet attacks because the main serversare defended, and Kaspersky Labs has been foretellingdoomsday for a long time.”

The reason we don’t know what?s going on is because we’reruledby secrecy.

Photo credit: http://www.freeimages.co.uk/

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Most of us watching the Olympics on TV every night don’trealize that the Olympic rings and the torch relay did notoriginate in ancient Greece, but became popular after theywere shown in a film created in Nazi Germany.
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Two triangle-shaped light formations were caught on videoover Melbourne, Australia on August 23rd. Local air trafficcontrollers reported no aircraft in the area and the UFOsdid not show up on radar.

According to Phenomena Research Australia, Mark and JanineBlease, who took the video, have no explanation for whatthey saw.

A reader from Prague writes: “I want to react to the latestarticle ‘Two Triangle UFOs.’ On August 17, we (3 witnessesat least) saw EXACTLY the same UFO slowly crossing the skyover Moravsky Krumlov in the Czech Republic. Unfortunatelywe didn’t have any cameras with us.”

The National Institute for Discovery Science has made athorough investigation of triangle-shaped UFOs. To readtheir latest report,click here.
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We have only one copy left of many of the books on our newsale and more of them sell out every day.To find out which books are still available, keep reading so you can order them before they disappear fromour store forever!

We have only a few copies left of:I?m Still Hungry,Lab257, PastLives Future Lives,CIA?sControl of Candy Jones,TheFuture is Yours,ThePower of Intention, UnlockingAlien Closets,TheLuck Factor,TheWoman with the Alabaster Jar and World?sEnd 2009.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more