It may not seem like it to us, but research shows that moneydoesn’t buy happiness. Another ongoing controversy iswhether it?s hard on children when their mothers work.Scientists have found this is true?but only for wealthywomen!

On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means “not at all satisfiedwith my life” and 7 means “completely satisfied,” the peopleon Forbes magazine’s list of the 400 richest Americansaverage 5.8?the same as the Inuit people in Greenland andthe cattle-herding Masai of Kenya, who live in dung hutswith no electricity or running water. Calcutta’s slumdwellers score only a little lower, at 4.6.
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“911 in Plane Site,” a film by Dave VonKleist and WilliamLewis, is being screened at various theaters. It showsactual network footage taken during the September 11 crashesinto the Pentagon and World Trade Center, but it’s sloweddown in order to reveal new, never-seen-before images. Oneof these is a shot of the plane hitting the second tower,which looks like a cargo?not a passenger?plane. MarkBurnback of Fox News, who was interviewed for the film,says, “This plane wasn’t from around here or anything you’dsee take off from the airport.”
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Violent storms in the ocean off the U.K. and Ireland areripping off huge chunks of cliffs and hurling the rocks longdistances inland?distances scientists didn’t think werepossible. And a tornado has been seen at 12,000 feet inSequoia National Park in the U.S., making it the highestelevation tornado ever recorded. This is something new,since tornadoes are a sea level phenomenon.
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A meteorite impact helped wipe out the dinosaurs 65 millionyears ago. Now satellites have discovered that anotherimpact the same size hit the Earth more recently, whenhumans were alive. It didn’t end our species because it hitduring an ice age and sank into the Antarctic ice. Much morerecently, in England, a woman was hit by a meteorite whilehanging her laundry out to dry.
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