Researchers are searching the ocean forDeadZones?areas with extremely low levels of oxygen that cannotsustain life. Last summer, a huge Dead Zone settled in onthe coast of Oregon, causing fish and crustaceans to die. Itdisappeared in the fall, but now it’s back. OceanologistJack Barth says, “What I think we are seeing is a tipping ofthe balance of the ecosystem. We don’t fully understand whatthe cause of that is.”
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Whitley Strieber had a youthful friendship with one of theauthors of the controversial Swiftboat ad campaign. Hewrites: “The mastermind behind the Swiftboat commercialspresently causing such controversy is Houston lawyer JohnEllis O’Neill. John and I were close friends at CentralCatholic High School in San Antonio, between 1960 and 1963.We were debaters and often debated as partners, sometimes asopponents.” So what does Whitley think of the ads? To find out,click here.

Do you believe John Kerry deserves his Vietnam medals? Votein our new poll.Keep reading to learn the results of our last poll.
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George Naruns is of Latvian background and speaks fluentLatvian. He is also in business in Latvia and the UnitedStates, and has has a 25 year fascination with EdLeedskalnin’s mysterious CoralCastle in Flordia.

George believes that a Latvian man, John Leedskalnin whocould be related to Ed, may also have the secret of theCoral Castle.

Both Ed and John make use of a simple tripod arrangementof poles to lift very large tonnage. Ed’s lifting device canbe compared to John’s by looking at the two pictures in thisarticle. John says that he could lift as much as ten tonswith his, using only a block and tackle placed in the apexof the tripod.
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In his new journal,Whitley writes about a possible war between Iran and Israel,now that Iran may have a nuclear bomb. He says a widerMideast war is on the way, and we are not going to see itcoming, because we have lost crucial intelligence resourcesin Iran due to the loss of ‘outed’ spy Valerie Plame.

GeorgeNaruns believes that a Latvian man, John Leedskalnin, whocould be related to the man who built the Coral Castle inFlorida, may have the secret of how the huge stones werelifted. To view the images that Whitley and George discussin this week’s Dreamland subscriber interview,click here.

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