UFO Sighting? Tell Brian Vike
We’ve been getting lots of e-mails about The Vike Report,which can be heard every other week on Mysterious Powers, sowe know you’re listening. Brian lives in Canada, but he getse-mails about UFO sightings and abductions from all over theworld. Help him track UFO “waves” by reporting your sightingto him at hbccufo@telus.net. Don’t hesitate?he wants to hearfrom you. You can visit his website athttp://www.hbccufo.com. And don’t miss The Vike Report atthe end of Anne’s interview with Simon Buxton on this week’sMysterious Powers show, which you can listen to for free forone month (and longer, if you’re a subscriber), startingSaturday at 1 p.m. Pacific time.
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