Despite speculation that Osama bin-Laden may already bedead, recent tapes and videos have convinced intelligenceservices that he’s still alive. Since we now know why he’shiding (in an inaccessible mountainous area on the border ofAfghanistan and Pakistan), why don’t we just go get him? Weknow he has a deadly disease, so we may feel it’s easier towait for him to die.

Earlier reports said that Osama had bought a dialysismachine to use in his hideout. New reports say he hasperiodically gone into a hospital in Pakistan for dialysistreatment. Since no one tried to capture him there, thiscasts doubts on Pakistan’s role as our ally in the waragainst terrorism.
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A new U.K. crop circle near Silbury Hill, which appearedduring two nights in August, features symbols from theancient Mayan civilization that predicted the end of theworld in 2012.

In, Neil Leighton quotes crop circle researcherFrancine Blake as saying, “[In the crop circle,] The Moonhas a cycle around the Earth, the Earth has a cycle aroundthe Sun, the Solar System has a cycle in the Milky Way. That[the galaxy cycle] takes 26,000 years, and this particularcalendar is coming to the end of that cycle. That long cycleends in 2012?it’s the end of a cycle, the end of a time. Anew era is starting for the solar system. Just like the erafor the Romans stopped and something else started, we aregoing from era to era and this is the end of one of them.”
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According to Australian researcher Paul Davies, we won’tfind evidence of aliens by searching the skies?we’ll find itin our own DNA. He says this coded message will only bediscovered once we have the technology to read andunderstand it.

Davies thinks it’s a waste of time to search for radio wavescoming from another planet, as SETI does. He says it?s morelikely that extraterrestrials would leave an artifact onearth for us to find?but only when we know enough torecognize it when we see it. But if ETs came here millionsof years ago, what could they leave that would survive? Thesolution would be to leave a message in human DNA, where itwould be copied and saved over large periods of time.
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In our newInsight,Richard Dolan writes: Unless you consciously look for suchnews, you would never know that UFOs continue to be seen bypeople every day, around the world. The difference betweenthe reality of the phenomena, and how it is ignored, remindsme of what Alice experienced when she jumped down the rabbithole into Wonderland. But the twist in our society is thatthe reality of UFO experience is part of the normal, topsideworld, while mainstream media coverage is part of Wonderland.

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