Lucy Pringle’s new2005crop circle calendars will arrive in our store any day now.While supplies last, you will receive a FREE 2004 calendarwith every order of the 2005 calendar, so you can gaze atbeautiful crop circles every day for the rest of this yeartoo! These exquisite calendars, filled with beautifulphotographs of crop circles, are only available in the U.S.from the store.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

We hear about crop circles in the U.K. every season, andabout circles that turn up in Canada and the U.S. as well.Now we’ve learned that there are so many crop circlesWylatowo, Poland that they’re asking the European Union for$126 million to build facilities for all the visitors whocome to see them every year.

Town councilor Tadeusz Filipczak says, “We are drawing up aformal request?we’d like to fix the sewer system and put upa campsite for visitors, both from Poland and from elsewherein Europe? I mean, you can’t just send people out in thefields.”

NOTE: The photograph is of a U.K. circle, since we have nophotos of the Polish circles.
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Scientists have learned how to turn lazy monkeys into hardworkers?could they someday do the same to us? It’s notlikely to happen in the U.K., because they have Prozac inthe drinking water.

Employees in the U.S. already work harder and longer hoursthan workers in any other first world country. But in casethat’s not enough for employers, Richard Black writes that researchers have now learned how tomanipulate monkeys into working almost nonstop.

Usually monkeys work hard only when they know a reward iscoming. In the laboratory, they learn to press levers forrewards of food and water, but they only concentrate on thejob when they know they?re about to get their reward.Scientists wanted to know how to get them to work theirhardest all the more

In what has always been assumed to be a meteor crash in1908, 60 million trees in an 800-square-mile area of theisolated Tunguska forest in Siberia were flattened. Themysterious devastation wasn’t discovered until many yearslater, and no traces of the meteorite were ever found. NowRussian scientists say this may have been caused by a UFO. reports that Russian scientists have foundpart of a UFO in the area, in the form of a large block ofmysterious metal. They plan to test its composition. They’vealso found a large rock, which may have been part of themeteorite that exploded in the sky before it hit the ground.
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