Here’s a new reason to quit: You’re killing your pets. We’vereported here before that secondhand smoke cangive your catcancer. Now we’ve learned that a couple decided to stopsmoking because it was killing their parrot.

Kevin Bartley and Sharon Wood quit smoking after theirparrot Jay Jay had to be put on a machine to help himbreathe. They only had him three days before he became ill.Kevin says, “For the first few days he was perky. Then hegot all wheezy and coughy and then he got really laboredbreathing. I thought he was actually going to die, he wasthat bad.”
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Something strange is going on in Canada?people are seeingmore UFOs than ever before.

Could this be because most people don’t know where to reportthem in the U.S.? Just as many UFOs could be flying aroundhere, but we wouldn’t know it. It could also be that we’remore on the alert against terrorism and thus there’s no waysuch objects could fly freely in our skies?and they’d bekept secret if they did. Another possibility is thatresearch into secret military aircraft is taking place inCanada and new planes are being tested there.

At a military base in Beaverbank, Nova Scotia in April,three people saw lights, including a slow-moving red onethat bobbed up and down. Suddenly a second red light zoomedin, causing the first one to climb upwards and fly over it.
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Is the Earth unique in harboring intelligent life? Even ifanother civilization is trying to contact us, it will soonbe too late, according to SETI’s Frank Drake, because TV isbeing delivered more and more by cable and satellites, whichdo not leak radio waves into space.

David L. Chandler writes in New Scientist that according toDrake, for ETS, “the Earth is going to disappear” very soon,since these signals “are the strongest signs of our existence.”
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In another in our new series ofCommunionLetters, we present the story ofCorbett,who writes: In 1984 I moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico, whichis near White Sands Missile range. I lived there for fouryears. Some of the research for President Reagan’s Star Warstechnology was being done at White Sands and if you watchedthe sky you could see some very strange, interesting “lightshows.” I didn’t notice anything until 1987 when Mary Ann, awoman I was acquainted with, told me there was a placebehind the university where you could see UFOs flyingaround.

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