Starting this weekend, besides Anne Strieber’s regularinterview,MysteriousPowers will contain The Vike Report. Brian Vike is thedirector of the Houston, British Columbia UFO ResearchOrganization and one of the world’s leading UFOinvestigators. His website is oneof the world’s leading UFO websites. Brian brings a highlevel of credibility and the latest UFO information toMysterious Powers.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

If you’re getting ready for a final trip to the beach inAugust, be prepared. Researchers have found that it can beeasier to get sunburned when standing up than while lyingdown sunbathing. And a “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico iscausing shark attacks along the Texas coast.

The dead zone has appeared in the gulf every year for thelast 30 years, caused by the increased use of nitrate-basedfertilizers, which get into the water and kill off so muchoxygen that sea life can’t survive. Three people have beenbitten by sharks in Texas this year, because hungry sharksare searching for something to eat.
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Two nine-year-old girls in Tennessee spotted a UFO. Thedrawings they made of what they saw that show the samestrange craft in the sky.

Linda Trussell writes in the Tullahoma (Tennessee) News thatHaley Atwood and Charlie Holmes saw a UFO. Haley says, “Wewere just out walking the dog and looking at the sunset whenwe saw it over this field. It was as big as that house andwas as far away as that pole over there.” (she points to apole about football field’s length away). “It was red withorange lights and it stayed there about ten minutes beforeleaving. Cagey saw it and barked!” She ran home to tell hermother, who went to get their camera, but found it was outof batteries.
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People who don’t want to face having to clean up theenvironment like to blame global warming on the increasedsunspot activity. But researchers who have studied theincidence of sunspots since 850 AD have shown that whileglobal warming correlates with increased solar activity,warming has increased dramatically in the last 30 years,while the sun has remained the same.

This means that while the sun may be responsible for earlierwarming, it can’t be blamed for the recent increase intemperatures that is pushing us over the edge towardsclimate change.
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