More ghosts seem to be lurking in the U.K. than anywhereelse, perhaps because more ghost hunters are looking forthem there. Ghost hunter David Wharmby believes anyone cansee them and says, “Everybody is born with a psychicability. It’s just up to you whether you use it or not.”
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We’ll hurt less if we direct our minds away from our bodiesand onto something else. A special distracting, “cooling”game was created for a little boy with extensive burns thattook his mind off the pain.

Karen Lurie writes in that six-year-oldNathan Neisinger suffered serious burns when he accidentallypulled a pot of boiling water onto himself. “He had thirddegree burns and they were over 31% of his body,” says hismother Heidi. “His whole entire chest, his back, his legs,part of his foot, had third degree burns all over them. Theyhad to do skin grafting; they had to take skin off of hisbehind, off of the back of his legs.”
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A group of scientists are collecting the tissues ofendangered animals and freezing them, so they will be ableto create clones later on, if the animals become extinct.

Zoologist Phil Rainbow says, “Natural catastrophes apart,the current rate of animal loss is the greatest in thehistory of the earth and the fate of animal species isdesperate.”

The first creatures to join the “ark” are thescimitar-horned oryx from North Africa, the socorro dovefrom Mexico, the mountain chicken (which is actually a frog)from the Caribbean, the banggai cardinal, a fish found inIndonesia, the yellow sea horse from China, the SeychellesFregate beetle, the British field cricket, and Polynesiantree snails.
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For those of you following the Summer of the Path, we have anew commentary from Whitley Strieber. To listen, click”Dreamland” on our masthead and scroll down. Parts I and IIare also available in the subscriber section. So get outyourtarotcards and get back onThePath!

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