We’ll All Wear Glasses Soon
Does reading make you need glasses or is near-sightedness inyour genes? Researchers say that watching TV, working on thecomputer and reading all cause changes in our eyes whichmake us near-sighted. If you know someone who doesn’t wearglasses, they may be carrying a book, but they don’t reallylike to read.
Researcher Ian Morgan came to this conclusion by studyingthe sharp increase in near-sightedness in Singapore, andrelating this to changes in people?s lifestyles. InSingapore, 80% of 18-year-old men who join the army arenear-sighted, compared with 25% 30 years ago. It can’t begenetic, because while 70% of 18-year-old men of Indianorigin living in Singapore have myopia, it only affects 10%of those living in India.
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