Remember the "money-making" e-mail scams from Nigeria? (Maybe you’re still getting them). A group of spam-busterswho call themselves areusing their skills to track these scammers down and have fun at the same time (419 stands of a section of Nigeria’s legalcode).

Dan Damon writes in that millions of people geta version of this letter everyday: "Dear Sir/ Madam, I amfine today and how are you? I hope this letter will find youin the best of health. I am Prince Joe Eboh, the Chairman ofthe ‘Contract Award Committee,’ of the ‘Niger DeltaDevelopment Commission (NDDC),’ a subsidiary of the NigerianNational Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
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Unknowncountry readers have always been fascinated bydiscoveries of ancient, underwater cities, like one beinginvestigated off the coast of Cuba. U.K. science advisor SirDavid King says there will be more of these to investigatein the future?but they’ll be places we’re living in rightnow. He says, “On current trends, cities like London, NewYork and New Orleans will be among the first to go.?
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You heard it on Dreamland first: On June 12, Linda Howeinterviewed Professor Vittorio Formisano, who works with theEuropean Space Agency’s orbiting Mars Express craft, whosaid he was about to announce that there is life on Mars.Now he says he’ll release this information in Paris in a fewdays. Ammonia has been discovered on Mars, and because itsurvives for only a short time in the Martian atmosphere, itmust be constantly replenished. Only living microbes can dothis, so the conclusion is inescapable: there is life onMars.
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This is the summer ofThePath, when Whitley will give a series of talks on thisextraordinary little book, which literally took him decadesto write. You can listen to the first installment byclicking “Dreamland” on our masthead and scrolling down to”The Path.” Subscribers have their own, special version. Soget yourtarotcards and your copy of the book, and get on The Path.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more