Soon, if you want decaffeinated coffee, you won’t have todrink a brew that’s been chemically treated?you’ll drink acup of decaf made from coffee beans that were grown that way.

Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist that biologists havediscovered a naturally decaffeinated coffee plant?and it’sreal coffee, not just something that tastes like it. “Thisis the first report of a decaffeinated variety of Coffeaarabica,” says Paulo Mazzafera. “This species is the mostcultivated species in the world, responsible for more than75% of traded coffee.”
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People know that tanning salons and too much time on thebeach can lead to skin cancer, but they just can’t stopthemselves. Now scientists have learned that tanning isaddictive.
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Al-Qaeda terrorists are becoming the new pirates. They’vebought at least 15 ships in the last two years, creating amodern pirate fleet. Their targets are civilian ports, oilrigs and cruise liners.

Joseph Farah’s G2Bulletin reports that the ships fly theflags of Yemen and Somalia, where they’re registered, andare capable of carrying lethal chemicals, “dirty bombs” oreven a nuclear weapon.
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Will Hartwrites: “I reported on the Mexican UFO case in an articlepublished on this site, a couple of months ago. That casehas been widely broadcast on the Internet and evencirculated in the mass media. The facts pertaining to theevent are solid and state-of-the-art detection equipment,eyewitness reports, and official investigators havecorroborated them. In short, this past March, Mexican AirForce pilots filmed 11 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) inthe skies over southern Mexico. Videotape footage of theevent was released to the news media; CNN aired a brief clipin May.” Don’t miss this update on one of our era’s mostimportant UFO cases.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more