We always knew that spinach would save us somehow, and now it looks like it may be able to combat global warming. Solar cells give us hope that we may be able to avoid fossil fuels in the future, and drastically cut greenhouse gases. Theproblem is, they’re not very efficient. But that’s wherespinach comes in?
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Scientists hope that thesolar windwill form a barrier that will protect us from solarradiation during the upcoming pole shift here on Earth. Whenthe poles reverse on Earth, which has happened many timesbefore, the magnetic shield that protects us from solarradiation is temporarily weakened. Mars wasn’t so lucky.

Astronomers report that Mars had extensive oceans (andprobably life) until 3.5 billion years ago, huge solarstorms of the kind that flared up in the fall of 2003 hitMars repeatedlly and sucked up all its water, leaving it adead planet.
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You must subscribe by midnight, Sunday June 11 for one year in order to get a free copy of The Path. You pay shipping and handling costs only. This is Whitley Strieber’s most moving, most powerful and most important book. It reveals and explains the inner path that he has been using since 1976. Based on an interpretation of the ancient Tarot of Marseilles that has been kept secret for a thousand years, the path shows a way to wisdom that works. It was Whitley’s main tool of communication during the nine years he spent in contact with the visitors. He will be starting a series of commentaries on The Path soon, so be ready?get your copy today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

?And it doesn’t work, either. Most dieters end up gaining more weight than they lost. Losing and regaining weight may harm your immune system, while maintaining the same weight over a long period of time is good for it.

When researchers studied 114 overweight but otherwise healthy women, they found that their immune system function had decreased in proportion to the number of times they’d gone on a diet, making the dieters more susceptible to viruses and even some forms of cancer.
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