It Takes a Big Brain to Tell a Lie
The primates with the biggest brains, compared to their body size, are the best at deceiving others. Since humans have the biggest brains of all, we’re especially good liars.
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The primates with the biggest brains, compared to their body size, are the best at deceiving others. Since humans have the biggest brains of all, we’re especially good liars.
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There are more sunspots now than there have been in the last 1,000 years, and this could be a major cause of global warming. Also, vast areas of cold water have suddenly appeared in the North Pacific and North Atlantic, meaning we could be on our way to a Superstorm.
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As part of our new Communion Letters, we heard fromSusan, who writes: “There is a road in France that we lived next to in 1994 that had been there since Roman times. As I was going to market one mid-day, I saw an odd sight walking towards me, a young man.” Was he a time traveler? Don’t miss this amazing true experience!
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more
Scientists who study idiot-savants, people who are autistic but geniuses in one particular area, think that brain damage in one part of the brain causes other parts to become much more developed than normal. Can a stroke affect the brain the same way?
Tommy McHugh suffered a stroke three years ago. Before then, he had no interest in art, but now he spends most of his time drawing, sculpting and writing poetry. After the stroke, Tommy says, “I didn’t know much about who I was and what I was. My brain wasn’t telling me I was hungry, I was talking in relentless rhymes. Everything was a rhyme?I started writing poetry in rhymes about what I was experiencing. The personalities I was living with at the time were revolving like a chamber in a gun.”
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