Despite “Clear Skies” and other government programs, there are still 100 million people in 21 U.S. states who breathe unhealthy levels of tiny particles from coal-burning power plants, cars and factories, according to the EPA.

Chris Baltimore writes that 243 counties in mostly Eastern states, as well as in California, don’t comply with Environmental Protection Agency proposals to limit emissions of the extremely tiny particles. These particles are 28 times smaller than the width of a human hair, but they can cause death from heart and lung disease, as well as chronic bronchitis and asthma.
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You may have cleaned up your act, but if you experimented with drugs in the past, you could be infected with hepatitis C.As many as 400,000 people in the U.K. may be infected without knowing it, and even more in the U.S., because there can be a 20 year delay between the infection and the symptoms. You could be in danger not only if you’ve ever injected drugs, but if you’ve used straws to sniff cocaine too.

It can also be transmitted sexually or through tattooing and piercing. The first signs of the disease include fatigue and aching joints. 80% of people with hepatitis C will develop a chronic infection in the liver, and about one-fifth of these will develop serious liver disease.
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Many have you have long admired the artistic mastheads created by Dana Augustine for every Dreamland and Mysterious Powers show. Now you can view them all over again on our new Dana Augustine page, where you can click on each small image to enlarge it. You can find the page by clicking Mindframe at the top of our homepage or click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

A large group of one large and three smaller crop circles have appeared in Utah. This is the tenth circle to appear in the state over the years. The largest showed up on July 21, 1998 on the same day that similar circles appeared in Oregon, Idaho and Belgium.
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