In our last poll, we asked you, “How has your weather changed?” This time we’re asking you “What are your politics?” (All replies are anonymous). We list almost every political affiliation possible, but you can check “Other” as well. As for weather, 48% say it’s “Somewhat more violent and changeable,” 25% say it’s “About the same,” 20% say it’s “Much more violent and changeable,” 6% says it’s “Quieter and more stable” and 1% say it’s “Exceptionally stable.” This isn’t surprising, since global warming affects different regions in different ways.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Exposure to lead in early childhood may be one of the reasons for the wave of violent crime in the 20th century. It also may explain why most criminals come from urban areas.

Joan Lowy writes that economist Rick Nevin discovered that the post World War II use of leaded gasoline, which peaked in the 1970s, meant that nearly 80% of children had lead levels in their blood that exceeded today’s safety threshold. The problem was the worst for inner city children who were not only breathing auto exhaust, but also living in older housing contaminated with lead paint.
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When you’re dieting, the natural thing to do is to reach for a diet soda, but this may actually prevent you from losing weight, because it confuses the body’s natural ability to count calories based on sweetness.

Since the body doesn’t register artificial sweeteners the same way it does sugar or fructose (the sugar in fruit), it doesn’t realize that food has been ingested and it still feels hunger. Since many diet foods do have calories, despite having no sugar, they can cause you to crave more food than you normally would because you never feel full. And while diet sodas have no calories, drinking lots of them may disrupt the body?s ability to regulate the intake of other food.
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UFOs have been spotted in Louisiana, South Africa and Chile, making this a worldwide phenomenon.
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