News 5 KPHO in Phoenix is investigating a power surge that left 65 thousand people without electricity recently. Some people say the blackout was caused by strange lights in the sky, which could be a return of the Phoenix Lights, first seen in 1997.

UFOs have also recently been seen in the U.K. The Huddersfield Daily Examiner reports that 5 strange objects were seen flying in perfect formation. Mark Windle, who took a photo of them, says, “It looked to me as if they were objects that were burning up in the atmosphere. There was another plane in the sky and it looked different.”

Another witness says, “We usually have planes flying past but not in such a regular formation,” she said. “It was very strange.”
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Until Friday, July 2nd at midnight, all new one-year subscribers to will receive a free copy of The Path. You pay only shipping and handling. If you’re already a subscriber, you’ll find a coupon in the subscriber’s section for $6 off. Whitley will soon be doing a special series of talks on The Path, so be ready and get your copy now!

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In Whitley’s new journal, he writes: “The outing of Valerie Plame in the column of Robert Novak has now led to the resignation of Jim Plavitt from the CIA. Mr. Plavitt was Valerie Plame’s superior. His work has been devastated by this catastrophic security leak, and he has apparently chosen to resign as a result. The announcement of his retirement is the tip of an iceberg of national disaster.” Find out why it could even lead to nuclear terrorism.

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A Vietnamese man hasn’t had a hair cut in 31 years. He’s hoping to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for having the longest hair in the world. How does hair look when you put off getting a haircut for that long? His twenty-foot-long hair is matted in a thick rope that does not look attractive, perhaps because the last time he washed it was 6 years ago.

Tran Van Hay, who is now 67 years old, started growing out his hair when at age 36. A government official says, “He can’t work anymore as a farmer because of the volume of hair so he’s just collecting herbs for traditional medicine as charity work.” Tran is trying to beat the record of Hoo Sateow in Thailand, whose hair in 1997 was over 16 feet long.
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