Otzi is the name of a prehistoric man who was buried under a glacier in the Italian Alps about 5,000 years ago. His body came to the surface in 1991 because the Alps are melting. Now North America has its own Otzi.

William Tinning writes in The Herald that a 700-year-old male body has been found that was frozen in ice until recently. Hunters discovered him in British Columbia in 1999, and he’s been given the name Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi (Long Ago Person Found). He was wearing a cloak made from squirrel pelts and a woven hat, and carried a walking stick, a wooden spear and a pouch containing edible leaves and part of a fish.
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As we’ve written here before, one of the mysteries about global warming events of the past is that huge amounts of the greenhouse gas methane were suddenly released into the atmosphere. Where did this come from, and could it happen again? Scientists think one of the culprits may have been ordinary dirt.
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Does the film The Day After Tomorrow portray events that could really happen? Instead of arguing about it, computers around the world are going to test it. Environmentalist Mat Collins says, “Extreme scenarios make great films, but for practical planning we need to know how likely it is that such events will actually happen.”

Alex Kirby writes in bbcnews.com that pclimateprediction.net is inviting computer users to download and run a climate model that tests how the weather worldwide may change if the Gulf Stream flow is affected by melting Arctic ice, as the film shows. An earlier effort to create “the world’s most comprehensive probability-based forecast of 21st century climate” attracted 49,000 participants in 130 countries.
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An island known as Aztlan is Mexico’s Atlantis?the lost land of the Aztecs. Described in ancient legends, some people think it doesn’t exist, while others have spent their lives searching for it. Some archeologists think it may be in Utah.

Alistair Bell writes that the Aztecs, a warlike tribe that practiced human sacrifice, wandered through Mexico for years before creating a great empire in what is now Mexico City around 1325. It was destroyed when the Spanish arrived. Aztlan was their original cultural center. Archeologist Jesus Jauregui says, “Aztlan is a mythical place, not a historical one.” But they said the same thing about Atlantis, which several researchers have now identified. Someday soon we’ll know which Atlantis site is the real one.
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