Officials in cities across the U.S. are trying to figure out how to get cleaner air. They’ve discovered that when auto exhaust levels go down on weekends, ozone?the main ingredient of smog?increases. They’re worried that as air pollution from car exhaust decreases with the introduction of new, lower-emissions cars, smog levels will climb even higher.

Researchers Robert Harley and Douglas Lawson are studying this “weekend effect.” In, Amanda Onion quotes Harley as saying, “Atmosphere chemistry is different wherever you are. But I don’t think you can dismiss this effect. It has been spreading to other cities.”

Lawson says, “It seems counterintuitive, but it’s true. And it’s a double whammy because people spend more time outside on the weekends.” read more

Two hundred lucky Dreamland customers who acted quickly received the wonderful 30-page Zeta Reticuli booklet with their orders, in which many astronomers and scientists express their opinions about the star map drawn by Betty Hill during her world-famous UFO abduction in 1961. The Zeta Reticuli Incident was published in 1975 and these are pristine, original copies. The glossy, full-color pages include an analysis of Betty’s star map and articles by many notable scientists and astronomers. At, we want to thank you for supporting our website by supporting our store. We think we have a truly great selection of books and interviews and we want to continue to be here for you in the more

As one of our new Communion Letters, we present the experiences of Rick, who says: “I was never really into UFOs. I always assumed they were possible but never really went out of my way to learn about them. That attitude continued even after myself and 3 other U.S. Airmen stationed at RAF Alconbury near Huntingdon, England in 1970 saw a glowing, domed saucer-type UFO sitting in the middle of a farm field only a hundred yards or so from the side of the road at about 2 in the morning.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Weeds may be unwanted, but they’re more valuable than you think. Anthropologist Richard Steep says, “If I had one place to go to find medicinal plants, it wouldn’t be the forest. There are probably hundreds of weeds growing right outside people’s doors they could use.”

Stepp looked through scientific journals to find drugs that come from plants instead of being created in laboratories. He discovered that although only about 3% of the world’s quarter-million plant species are weeds, they make up more than a third of the 101 plants used to make drugs.
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