Scientists trying to reduce the number of mice in Australia ended up creating a bioweapon instead?so why couldn’t terrorists do the same thing?

Ean Higgins writes in The Australian that immunologists Ron Jackson and Ian Ramshaw injected 10 mice with a mousepox virus that had been modified to trick the mice’s immune systems into making their eggs infertile. The plan was for the mice to stay healthy, so they could pass their altered genes along to others. But instead the mice all ended up dead. The researchers created a terrorist weapon by accident.
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In our series of new Communion Letters, we heard from Mick, who writes: “Yes, I too have had an abduction/dream experience in the early nineties. It happened after seeing the Band “Psychic TV” at The Ritz (Studio 54) in New York City. They were using a lot of strobe lights flashing in time (sort of) to the music. I didn’t drink a lot?maybe 2 beers?and yes, I might have smoked a couple of puffs of grass somebody handed me, but by the end of the show when we went home, I was sober.” That didn’t stop him from seeing the aliens who broke into his house!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Some of you know this already: A new report from the U.K. says summers in the city are hotter than ever. And they’re going to get even hotter in the future, thanks to global warming.

Why are cities so much hotter than the surrounding countryside? Climatologist Richard Betts says it’s because the traffic heats them up more and they retain that heat longer. Roads and sidewalks soak up heat during the daytime, which is released gradually at night, which is why they’re called “urban heat islands.” In contrast, fields and forests get rid of their stored heat quickly. If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles, it will TRIPLE the heat island effect.
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A biologist says that some people are genetically programmed to be unfaithful to their partners. He’s found that if one female twin has a history of infidelity, the chances that her sister will too is about 55%, and this is strongest in identical twins, who have the same genes. He studied women instead of men because only about 23% of females are unfaithful. However, another researcher has fond a gene that, when inserted into the brain of a male rodent, can change promiscuous critters into faithful partners.
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