In the U.K., while scientists don’t acknowledge that crop circles are “real,” they say they have an unexpected benefit by helping to reverse the decline in birds.

A two-year study found the skylark breeding increased 50% when areas of the fields were left unplanted, in order to preserve the circles. These areas eventually sprout weeds, which provide food for birds. David Gibbons, of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, says, “Crop circles once fascinated the nation; [unsown] patches could be the new phenomenon, and one with a worthwhile legacy.”
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Bob White kept a secret for many years. He says, “I’m 73 years old. I don’t have much longer?This is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life.” He’s showing the world an artifact he claims fell off a UFO in 1985.

Steve Rock writes in The Kansas City Star that White keeps the artifact locked up in a small building he calls the Museum of the Unexplained. White says, “I’ve been called every name you can think of…What I’d like to see before I’m gone is the national media get their heads?out of the sand. I’d like to see the national media and everybody else realize that what I have is real.
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Psychologists studying Chess experts have decided that, while Chess can be a slow, thoughtful game, the best players use their intutition to make quick decisions about which piece to play.

Psychologist Bruce D. Burns compared chess players’ rankings in normal tournaments to their rankings at fast-paced “blitz” chess, where players have 5 minutes to complete all of their moves, at an average of 7.5 seconds for each move. In blitz, they don’t have time to mull over their moves and are forced to rely on intuition.

Burns found that for the best players, their rankings at normal chess predicted how well they did at the high speed version, suggesting that they were using the same skills for both kinds of games.
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When the Spanish encountered the indigenous people in some parts of Latin America, they were shocked to discover that they practiced child sacrifice. The naturally-preserved mummies of these children are still being found on mountain tops today. NowScott Corrales reports that this is still happening in Chile, where a child was sacrificed in 1960 to bring an end to a series of severe earthquakes.

These were extremely destructive quakes that set off an enormous tsunami. During a two week period, one of them reached 9.8, the highest number ever recorded on the Richter scale. Seismologist Edgar Kausel says, “There were nine earthquakes all along the country, running from May 22 to June 6.”
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