Between 1645 and 1714, Europe experienced a Little Ice Age. Astronomers who worry about The Day After Tomorrow happening again are studying the sun. While a new ice age could be caused by dropping ocean currents, triggered by an ice melt caused by global warming, the sun may be involved as well.

There was almost no sunspot activity during that period, meaning the sun was cooler and didn’t heat up the Earth as much as usual. Astronomers are looking at other stars, to see if they go through the same kind of sunspot cycles. Sun activity usually goes through an 11 year cycle, although it’s been unusually active during the past few years.
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Scientists have found that if you’re offered a variety of different foods, you’ll eat more. Researcher Brian Wansink found that people offered M&Ms or jelly beans will eat more if they’re offered many different colors, even if they all taste the same. People who were offered 10 colors of M&Ms ate 43% more than people offered seven colors. Another of his inventions is the refillable soup bowl. He found that with this bowl, women ate 30% more soup and men ate 40% more. When he gave people different sized buckets of stale popcorn, the people with the largest buckets ate 31% more even though he says it “tasted terrible.”
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Americans may feel that the recent Al-Qaeda attacks inside Saudi Arabia serve the Saudis right, since they’ve enabled and even funded the 911 terrorists, as long as they did their dirty deeds in some other country. However, this is also yet another way of attacking the U.S., since it causes the price of oil to rise. If terrorists succeed in getting control of the Saudi oil fields, the price will go sky high.
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More news on the alien photo recently sent to us by Scott Corrales:Professional photographer Enrique Sepulveda says, “As a photographer I don’t believe it’s a trick. I think it’s an image taken by sheer chance of another element formed by the sweep (movement) of the image…It surely shows a strange figure. An alien, I don’t think so; a child, neither. We have files on strange apparitions, but never elements like such a tiny ET, because the creature would measure [under 2 feet] in height. Perhaps it could be catalogued with the Grays, who are large headed, have long extremities, and have a grayish-green color.”

Engineer Germ

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