We get many low cost imports from China, and one of these is computer spam. When internet researchers tracked spam messages, they found that 71% of them come from China.

Gideon Mantel, who tracks e-mail traffic, says most of those messages telling you how to increase your penis size or get a discount mortgage are linked to websites based in China. “We’re talking now about 350,000 to 400,000 unique spam attacks a day,” he says. “Since Jan. 1, we’ve seen probably a 30% to 40% increase” in spam traffic. Each “unique spam attack” goes to at least 50,000 recipients. “The numbers are amazing,” says Mantel. “When we saw them, I was so shocked, we checked and rechecked the numbers three times.”
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The unexpected results of a new study reveal that showing children graphic images of violence makes them less?not more?aggressive.

Alison McCook writes, “After seeing pictures of people treated for gunshot wounds, including a man whose stomach was ripped apart by a bullet and a woman who lost her 8-month old fetus when she was shot in the abdomen, children and teens demonstrated an improvement in their attitudes toward conflict and aggression.”
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Scott Corrales reports that witnesses in Havana, Cuba saw a UFO. In North Carolina, a couple saw one three days in a row, before they finally contacted the police.

The Cuban newspaper Juventud Rebelde reports that a UFO was seen near a fairground. It was described as being “a small oval-shaped object, silver-colored and with a metallic tail, [which] landed in open field encircled by trees.”
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In our latest new Communion Letter, a reader writes, “My name is Nick and I live in western Montana. There have been quite a few strange things that have happened to me in my lifetime, although I’m only 19 years old? Although I have always passed my memories off as nightmares, I am starting to wonder.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more