The recent video of a Mexican fighter jet chasing UFOs is not the only time these craft have been spotted lately. A Texas man recorded similar lights on his camcorder. A UFO was seen hovering over a shopping mall in Scotland, which led to several fender benders caused by rubbernecking. And a UFO in Ohio caused the electricity to flicker on and off.
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In Anne’s new diary, she talks about why our extra pounds aren’t just a problem for us?they’re a problem for the government too. She reveals why obesity could influence laws about parental maternity leaves and minimum wages. And don’t miss her interview with singer Carnie Wilson, who lost hundreds of pounds and gained spiritual strength.

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Crop circle investigator George Wingfield reveals that the British Government called a secret meeting to debate the meaning of crop circles over a decade ago. The August 28, 1989 issue of The Wall Street Journal says, “British agriculture and defense officials want to know more about the mysterious crop circles which have appeared across the countryside?so does Queen Elizabeth, who is said to have sharply questioned Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher about the circles recently.”
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The incidents at Abu Ghraib in Iraq have been blamed on lack of supervision and training, but can they also be blamed on the stress of war? And were these soldiers really thinking up these abuses all by themselves? Psychologists don’t think so.

In, Daniel K. Hoh quotes Rona M. Fields as saying that in war, “the enemy is not represented as a similar human being to oneself, but rather as a brute who is savage and single-minded in destructive intentions.”

Psychiatrist Paul Ragan says it’s a physical response: “The emotional center of the brain, or the limbic system, wants to strike back. It’s the concept of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?No one race or nation is immune to basic human psychology.”
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